Hello everybody,
I have a bug with Windows 8.1 and IE11. I explain, click on a row and move the mouse into the webdatagrid, the row follow the cursor mouse...
How I can disabled that. You can test on your page "http://es.infragistics.com/products/aspnet/sample/data-grid/binding-to-datatable".
The bug is present only if the scroll is enabled.
Thanks in advance
I just hit the same bug, and it's killing me... Hoping for a speedy resolution
Basically, after you complete the click, the grid acts as if you are swiping on the touchscreen, and the mouse pointer is your finger. The scroll position tracks with the mouse, making it impossible to select a different row.
Hopefully this is helpful for the dev team... The profiler shows heavy utilization of the _onTouchMove function when mousing over the grid. Here is the function:
Inspecting the values, I observe the following....
My bet is that b.rawEvent.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE evaluating to undefined is the root of the issue.
If you force the browser to emulate IE10, different values are used:
It looks like in the new IE, the enum values for MSPOINTER_TYPE are no longer used, and instead a string value is used for "pointerType"
I believe that users can work around the issue by adding the following to the <head> tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10">
Hi Boris,
I made a post Strange Mouse Click Behavior related to this issue. I have installed 13.2 and am still experiencing the issue. The difference is I'm running Win7.
It's fixed since last release, thanks a lot :)
Have you had the chance to try the new service release and if it fixes your issue?
Please let me know if you need any additional assistance.
For anyone following this thread, this will be fixed for ASP.Net 2013.2 in the upcoming service pack.
I confirmed that the X-UA-Compatible meta tag functions as a temporary workaround.
Please note the following from Microsoft (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/hh466130):
In Windows 8.1, this property has been changed to return a string value. In Windows 8, it provided a return value of type long: