How do I get rid of the iframe border that appears on the inside of the WebDialogWindow? I tried doing the following in Javascript with no luck.
var iframe = dialog.get_contentPane().get_iframe();
iframe.setAttribute("frameBorder", "0");
I still haven't had any luck with this doing it through Javascript. I attempted to try to do it in C# but I can't seem to find a way to access the properties of the iframe.
Did you find a solution for this? I tried the following but I still see the frameborder in IE6 + IE7:
var webDialogWindow = $find('<%= webDialogWindow.ClientID %>'); var iframe = webDialogWindow.get_contentPane().get_element().getElementsByTagName("IFRAME")[0]; iframe.frameBorder = "0";
You need to set border style of inner document (and make this call via setTimeout function):
No I couldn't seem to find any way to get rid of it. I tried quite a few different things too. I ended up just compromising with a thin border around the WebDialogWindow to make it a bit more aesthetically pleasing since I had modified the Dialog to get rid of the default border.