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DataMenuItem Access Key


I am upgrading my toolbar from UltraWebToolbar to WebDataMenu (v12.2).

In UltraWebToolbar I could set the AccessKey property for each TBarButton. I cannot find corresponding functionality for WebDataMenu DataMenuItems. I've spent hours trying to find a workaround, including trying templates.

Is there a way to use access keys with DataMenuItems? This is critical functionality for my application.

Thank you.

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    Hi Mendoza,

    Thank you for using NetAdvantage for ASP.NET!

    You can look at this article here . This can give you some guiding points for the keyboard navigation in WebDataMenu. 

    The AccessKey property is not available in the WebDataMenu in the way it was reachable through the UltraWebToolbar`s Designer . There is still a way to execute what you want though. You can attach a client event to the WebDataMenu like this:

    <ClientEvents Initialize="WebDataMenu1_Initialize" />


    Then you will only need to set the Access Keys for the items in the WebDataMenu providing the concrete item and the keyboard`s key that associates with it as arguments to the function WebDatamenu1_initialize(sender, eventArgs).

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you once more for using Infragistics`products!

    If there is still anything unclear don`t hesitate to ask.


    Alexander Marinov - Associate Software Engineer in Test



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