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SelectedRowEventArgs event is always fired when PostBack


I'm facing a problem with SelectedRowEventArgs event. I have 2 UpdatePanels on a page:

- UpdatePanel1 contains WebDataGrid1 and WebDataGrid has SelectedRowEventArgs  event

- UpdatePanel2 contains WebDataGrid2

- Change row of WebDataGrid1, the event SelectedRowEventArgs will be fired and reload data for WebDataGrid2

But when i click on any button of UpdatePanel2 to make the PostBack, the SelectedRowEventArgs  of WebDataGrid1 is always fired. How can i prevent this?


Nam Dang

No Data
  • 37874

    Hello Nam,

    Do you have Ajax enabled on the grids? Have you set the RowSelectionChanged AutoPostBackFlag to true? Can you share some code, showing your setup? I would suggest you to check if the first grid posts back on RowSelectionChanged. If it does not, then the RowSelectionChanged event will be fired on the button click in the second UpdatePanel if it causes a full postback.

    Hope this helps.
