I have a web project setting that set up on one click deployment.
Originally I added Infragistics assemblies into references and it did it foe local builds and local iis running.
When deployment to server started references were not good enough since they actually refer to local installation on the dev machine...
So I added Infragistics assemblies to bin directory. I do not want to install them to the GAC on the server, but my understanding is somehow
during execution there is a search to find them in BIN. The only little issue is that every time I install new service release I need to copy new assemblies
to the server..
Is there a way to set up project so it will copy Infragistics assemblies automatically during deployment.
Also what other options of having assemblies on the server on the top of GAC and bin directory.
Hello mcseidel,
The assemblies should be either in GAC or in the bin directory of the project. I would suggest you to set CopyLocal property to true for the referenced assemblies. Here you can find more information:
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, that will help me to refine my deployment process...