I am having trouble with the WebDatePicker in IE 10. It is rendering the button as the full width of the control and there is no text input available.
It renders correctly in the IDE and also renders correctly in Chrome. The problem appears to be only present with IE, and IE 10 is the only version that I have installed on my Windows 8 dev machine.
Hello Geoff Flood,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support.
This issue has been resolved in build 12.2.20122.2028. Updating the latest service release would likely resolve your problem. You can do this if you browse to https://es.infragistics.com/my-account/keys-and-downloads/ . After selecting the respective product key in the license key list, a "Service Releases" tab will appear in the bottom of the page where will all available service releases associated with that subscription be.
Please, let me know if you need some further assistance.
Best Regards,
Tsanna Belcheva
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
The service release fixed the immediate problem that I was having, but now I have another that is related.
When I dynamically create a DatePicker control in code, it displays correctly in IE 10 until the mouse is moved over the control, then the button section expands to fill the entire control and I am back to the original problem.
This is not happening with DatePicker controls that have been added to the page at design time, only controls created in code. I am suspecting that there is a property that I need to set to correct this problem, but I cannot find which one.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Installing the latest service releases has fixed my problem.