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Web data grid display without any database

Hi team,

I am new to this infragisitcs. I am using web data grid in my web application.

when we display it don't have any rows, it contains 0 records.  But i am unable to see headers also in the grid. 

How can i add records dynamically after clicking on button.

How can i add editors to that grid.

Please let me know if anybody has idea on this.



No Data
  • 17590
    Offline posted

    Hello Chinni,

    Thank you for posting in the community!

    WebDataGrid requires datasource in all scenarios and it does not support unbound mode. You can bind it to an empty DataTable at the beggining and than in the mouse Click event to add your records. This will provide you with the column headers even at the beginning when the table contains no data.  

    WebDataGrid supports different edditor providers. To use them, add them to the EditorProviders cllection. Once added, you can access an editor provider with its ID and assign it to a particular column. Some further information may be found at:

    Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.





