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Popup always displays behind the main screen when using Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v11.1

Dear supporters

I have been using Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v11.1 to develop a website. I have designed 1 main page which has UltraWebGrid for containing data from database and 1 button to open a popup ( i using method ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript()). Details are as attached.

When I run the website, if I click the button first (without focusing on UtralWebGird) then the popup will display above the main page (as expected). However if I click the UtralWebGird before clicking the button, then the popup always displays behind the main screen (it seems that the main screen  has auto reloaded).

Could you please let me know the reasons of the above situation, and how the problem can be fixed?


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