Dear supporters
I have been using Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v11.1 to develop a website. I have designed 1 main page which has UltraWebGrid for containing data from database and 1 button to open a popup ( i using method ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript()). Details are as attached.
When I run the website, if I click the button first (without focusing on UtralWebGird) then the popup will display above the main page (as expected). However if I click the UtralWebGird before clicking the button, then the popup always displays behind the main screen (it seems that the main screen has auto reloaded).
Could you please let me know the reasons of the above situation, and how the problem can be fixed?
Hi Huy,
It seems that this is happening only in IE. I found a possible workaround - in the popup page, modify the body tag like this:
<body onload="window.focus()">
Hope this helps.
Thanks for your answer,
I did as your suggestion, but still not fix problem. I tried to write script newwindow.focus () for the popup, but this way will make the popup blink.I think has the problem in handling java script of the UltraWebGrid.v11.1. I have been trying to debug in this javascript handler of UltraWebGrid, but to investigate the obvious reasons then it is difficult.
Hello Huy,
It seems that this is an issue with IE and the mentioned workaround is the only solution.
Hello Nikolay,
Thanks you for supported in New Year holiday,
If it is an issue of UltraWebGird.v11.1 with IE so Infragistics team have any documents about this issue?
If have any documents please send it to me.
Thanks & Happy New Year!!!
As Ikenna Ononuju suggested, you could use window.showModalDialog instead of This should force the popup to be displayed on top of the current page. Also, please note that there won't be any future service releases or bug fixes for v11.1, containing the UltraWebGrid.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi Huy, can you try calling the function below:
Public Shared Function LoadDlgScript() As String
Dim scrp As String
Dim height As String = "485"
Dim width As String = "1000"
scrp =
"<script>var rc = new Array(0);var rc= window.showModalDialog('" & PathToForm & "?Time=" & Date.Now & "','','dialogHeight:" + height + " px;dialogWidth:" + width + " px;help:no;status:no;');__doPostBack('','');"
scrp +=
Return scrp
End Function
Thank you all for your support!
However so far I still do not completely understand the reason of this problem. I really need more information on this issue in order to find out the reason. So if you have any more information relating to this, please let me know.
I currently do not apply the solution of adding 'on focus' for popup because this solution seems not resolve the whole issue. I think the root cause is handling java script of UltraWebGrid and best solution is repair this handling.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions regarding this matter.
It seems that this is not documented.