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WebSplitter Changes Control ID's

I have an Infragistics WebSplitter on an aspx page.  I added the following Textbox control inside the splitter and after running the page found that the ID of the control had been changed to:

"WebSplitter1_tmpl0_TextBox1".  The "WebSplitter1_tmpl0_" was added by the splitter.

This doesn't happen to controls outside the splitter panes.

Why is this happening?  How can I stop it?  What are the consequenses of stopping this from happening?  How can I possibly use JavaScript to find controls when they have random ID's?


Original code:

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>


Choose View, Source on the page after running it and you see this:

<input name="WebSplitter1$tmpl0$TextBox1" type="text" id="WebSplitter1_tmpl0_TextBox1" />



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  • 17559
    Verified Answer

    Hello raywhite ,


    The behavior that you mentioned is by design- you can notice that similar issue is happening if you define your controls in form which is placed inside a master page, if you use ItemTamplates and so on.

     In order to resolve this you can just set  ClientIDMode="Static" to all of the controls that you want:

                    <asp:TextBox ClientIDMode="Static"   ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>


    For additional reference on the matter you can check the following link:


    If you need any additional assistance on the matter please feel free to ask.
