A search on the web suggests that I can't put an asp.fileupload control into a webtab... is this correct?
My FileUpload.hasFile returns false all the time and the FileUpload.filename ( or FileUpload.postedfile.filename) has an empty string...
Is there a solution to this?
This post http://forums.labs.infragistics.com/readmessage?id=%3C1d6f4402$3c124dfb$371631@news.infragistics.com%3E&group=infragistics.products.netadvantage.aspnet.webtab
way back in 2007 suggested a pop-up - but I'm in a pop-up whe nI use this! - so presentationally, it would look dumb...
Appreciate an early reply - on a deadline!
Hi Duncan,
I am attaching a small sample, which I created using v12.2.20122.1007. The WebUpload is placed inside of a WebTab and is working as expected.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding the matter.
Hi Nikolay,
Thanks for returning the query.
I'm tearing my hair out on this one:
I've installed the webUpload (Details below) and it appears to be working - except that the file doesn't get uploaded into the 'Uploads' folder in the root. I have AutoStartUpload="false", so I can see the name of the selected file before upload.. I click on the 'Add' Button and the progress bar disappears. The time spent uploading (to local drivespace) is the same for both small and very, very large files. No errors appear.
Can you help? I have looked at every help file, forum reference, local samples and blogs. so I'm bewildered...
with regards,Duncan.
(meticulously followed...)
In the .aspx file.....
<!-- [Display] --><link rel="stylesheet" href="~/ig_ui/themes/ig/jquery.ui.custom.min.css" type="text/css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="~/ig_ui/themes/base/ig.ui.min.css" type="text/css">