the tooltip is only show when mouse over other place.
I have set ToolTip="my tip",but when I move mouse to button of slider ,the tip is never change.
I only want tooptip to show the number accroding to it's value
I changed code ,but I find there are two tooltips .
my code is :
<ig:WebSlider ID="WebSlider1" runat="server" MaxValueAsString="100" MinValueAsString="0" ValueType="Int"
AutoPostBackFlags-ValueChanged="On" onvaluechanged="WebSlider1_ValueChanged" ValueAsString="0" ><AutoPostBackFlags ValueChanged="On"></AutoPostBackFlags> <ValueLabel Location="FloatTopOrLeft" />
Hello foxbabby,
I have been looking into your questions and I am not sure what is the exact functionality that you are trying to achieve. Do you want the tooltip to show the current hovered value even when you don’t drag the thumb? Would you please provide me with some additional details of the behavior that you are trying to achieve so I can be sure that we are looking on the same thing.
Thanks in advance.