I am attempting to plot two items on a Gantt Chart but have the range of the chart go beyond the max end date of the two items.
e.g. Item 1 end date = 4/30/09
Item 2 end date = 4/30/10
But I want the chart to extend to 4/30/11. I can't seem to get the correct combination of properties to work.
Thanks in advance for any guidance!!
You can try using something like:
this.ultraChart1.Axis.X.RangeMin = new DateTime(2009, 4, 30).Ticks;
this.ultraChart1.Axis.X.RangeMax = new DateTime(2011, 4, 29).Ticks;
I'm sorry that you should use this strange code, but for now RangeMin/Max accepts only double values. We should change this to work with:
this.ultraChart1.Axis.X.RangeMax = new DateTime(2011, 4, 29)
I have a problem similar... I change the Y.RangeMin to zero, but when I change the chart type to ColumnBar3D then the Chart use its defualt value...
Excellent!!! That worked perfectly. And you're right, it would be better if it worked with something other than doubles
Thanks again.