I am just checking if the latest reply helped you out or if you require any further assistance on the matter.
For example I could do the following in UltraWebgrid:
e.Row.Items.FindItemByKey("Name").TargetURL = "BLOCKED SCRIPTopenPopupWindow('" + myLink + "','newwin',500,500,'yes');";
What do I do to get TargetUrl in WHDG?
I do need some help. here is my scenario. Only one cell ourtof the 3 in a row is clickable. And when i click on each of those cells, it open into a new open wirth some futher details. I dont think i can use the TemplateDataField and I need to be able to do this in code . Can you show me an example . I am guessing this should be done in rowinitialize.