I want convert my whole Web page to PDF using
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
i didn't find any examples how to use PDFDocument class.
Can please some body help me.
Thansk in Advance.
Chris Thanks for the responce, you mean we need another tool to read PDF file and show in PDF format. don't Infragistics have any.
No but from your first post my guess was that you were trying to convert (or take) a web page (html) and turn it into a pdf file? Most pdf conversion/building tools really dont allow you to do that and while they do support tables etc. there is no direct way to grab a web page or html and convert it to pdf... well unless of course you want to basicly do a httpget on the page and capture the output to a image file and then insert image into pdf file... which I have done a few times...
What is it you are exactly trying to do?
I am using the other tool to convert Whole web page html to PDF format.
if you need information on the tool go to following link.
I'm also trying to do the same thing. I want to export an HTML table as the header to my ultrawebgrid PDF export. Were you able to do this?
I want to export a HTML table as a PDF. Is it possible to do with UltraWebGridDocumentExporter?