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content refresh on client and server

Hi, I have a WebTab control with two contenttabitems, each with the UserControlUrl property set. The WebTab's AutoPostBackFlag.SelectedIndexChanged is set to On.

When I change the active tab item, I see a strange behaviour: first, the client is updated (i.e. I see the newly selected tab content) and then comes the postback, that refreshes the tabitem content. This is very annoying, because in the server side event I load new data, so the user experience is very bad (the user clicks on the tab item, sees the old content, then - after the postback - the updated content).

I've tried with an updatepanel containing my webtab, but obiuvsly nothing changes.

What can I do?



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  • 37874

    Hello Giovanni,

    You could try to set the UserControlUrl property on the server on SelectedIndexChanged or set AutoPostBackFlag.SelectedIndexChanged to Async.

    Let me know if this helps.
