is there a way to achieve a sort of "continuous paging" for the WebDropDown?
What I mean: I'd like to have the WebDropDown in Load-On-Demand mode since there are several WebDropDowns in a WebDialogWindow with some of them having thousands of items.
I prefer to allow the users scrolling through the data without having to click on "next page" or whatsoever.
On the other hand I want the WebDropDown (which is shown in a WebDialogWindow) to have a preselected item. If I set the current page in Load-On-Demand mode so that the preselected item is shown it will load all the items up to the current page. Worst case is preselecting items which are near the end of the item list - the WebdropDown will load almost the complete item list. Which I wanted to avoid due to performance reasons and which is foiling the Load-On-Demand strategy.
This does not happen if I use paging, but then the users have to click through the pages.
Is it possible to really load "single" pages when in Load-On-Demand mode or to scroll through the pages in Paging mode? This would be a most preferable option from my point of view, in particular when combined with the QuickPages option.
Hi bernhardus,
From your description this leads me to believe you are looking for Virtualization on the WebDropDown which is not presently available on the WebDropDown. This will be a good product idea! I will submit this as a product idea on your behalf.
Thanks bernhardus!
You're right and you were faster than me - I realized during breakfast that what I want to have is called "virtual scrolling" according to WebDataGrid.
I have created a private support case for you for your details of the product idea submission. Please see your private support case for further updates.