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Load on demand issue when datatree part of separate dll

Hi Guys,

I have an issue with Load on demand. I have two projects. One is Web Project and one Library project where i'm adding WebDataTree (and use it as dll refernece i Web Project).

Definition on data tree is:

InnerTree = New WebDataTree()

        InnerTree.ID = Me.UniqueID

        InnerTree.DragDropSettings.DragDropMode = DragDropMode.Copy

        InnerTree.DragDropSettings.EnableDragDrop = True

        InnerTree.DragDropSettings.AllowDrop = False

        InnerTree.ClientEvents.DragEnter = "InnerTree_DragEnter"

        InnerTree.ClientEvents.NodeDropping = "InnerTree_DragEnter"

        InnerTree.EnableAjax = True

        InnerTree.EnableAjaxViewState = True

        InnerTree.EnableViewState = True

        InnerTree.InitialExpandDepth = 1

        InnerTree.InitialDataBindDepth = 1

        InnerTree.EnableConnectorLines = True

Unfortunately after postback i receive bad response from server here in js code:

/******************************************Callback Request Handler*********************************/

$IG.CallbackRequestHandler = function (manager, callbackObject, async)




obj = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(response)


catch (e)


/* OK 2/7/2011 63320 - if a website times out and the framework re-directs the user to the login page

we should not process the response, but instead just display the login page  */

if (response.indexOf("[") != 0 && (response.indexOf("<HTML") > -1 || response.indexOf("<html") > -1))


document.write(response); //call stack is showing that this line is executed



failed = true;

me._manager._requestFailed(me, me._callbackObject, false, "Deserialization failure: Invalid response.");


It seems that reponse contains whole definition of page (like 

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">....)

instead of json definition of tree. I suppose that it is because definition of data tree is in seperate dll and request is not handled properly.

Maybe i should manually add some input in config or handle this request diffrently.

We are using:



Any suggestions.

  • 37874

    Hi ppiwow,

    Can you please provide some more details about your implementation of WebDataTree - how do you add it to the library project and to the page. How is the tree rendered? A sample reproducing the issue would also be helpful.  

    Thank you.


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