I am using the Office2007Black as StyleSetName in my grid. I would like to change the appearance for the AltItemCssClass. Which is the best and fastest way to find exactly that class in the package of css-files that comes with the Office2007Black theme?
The only thing that I would like to do is to set the backgroundcolor to white, but to let the other settings remain.
Hello Zlatan,Please refer to the following blox post where it is explained in details how to change all the styling of our WebDataGrid - http://forums.infragistics.com/blogs/engineering/archive/2010/08/25/webdatagrid-css-styling-guide.aspxPlease let me know if this information was helpfull.
Thanks! It was really helpful. There were a lot of things in that description that I didn't have any knowledge about at all. It will help out in the future...
However, the problem that I have is to find which css class that is used as the AltItemCssClass, when I am using the Office2007Black style set. I would like to open the original file and make the change directly into that file.
If I write my own style inside the actual web form, I will have to include all style tags to get the correct look, and I don't know which these are. I only want to change the background-color.
Do you understand what I am looking for? If there is a way to overrride just the background-color in the form, it will help out a bit but it is still better for me to change the used style for that particular position, since that will affect all my grids...
Hello Zlatan,Please let me know if you have any further questions.
ig_res -> office2007Blackthe css file responsible for the grid is ig_dataGrid.cssIn this file if you change the