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Ultrawebgrid 8.3

We are using infragistics ultrawebgrid and grouping and expanding functionality .We have large data .For large data e.row.Expanded(true) is giving long running javascript error .So we implemented javascript function .But is there any property so by deafult  column should come expanded instead of collapse,so we can atleast avoid calling javascript on page load. Please let me know any property.

No Data
  • 13438

    Hello Sharma,

    This is the default behavior of the control. IF you like the first band to be expanded you need to handle the initialize row event and expand it manually as you said you did. I created a test sample which uses northwind. I could not face any issues with the sample as described from you. Please let me know what is the datasource of your grid and how many rows it contains. Also is it possible to use paging? Does the mentioned javasctipt error occurs in all browsers? Is your build of NetAdvantage the same as one from the sample? Please also take a note that our classic controls are officially retired in the latest versions of NetAdvantage and they contain only the Ajax Aikido controls. Please also take a note at product lifecycle where it is shown which versions are still supported and for which versions still are available service releseases, resolving development issues and compatibility issues with the new browser versions -