We are using asp.net advantage (ultrawebgrid) version 10.3. Our clients started using IE9 and they are having problems to use checkboxes with in the grid. Tried IE9 compatibility view also. Then I downloaded latest service release for this version. But I am not finding how to apply this patch. The problem is:
Hello Prathiba,You can download the latest service release by going to our web site -> loging with user name and password -> My IG -> NetAdvantage 2010 vol 3 -> Scroll down to Service Releases table -> click on NetAdvantage for ASP.Net 2010 vol 3 – ASP.Net Service Release and the download of the archived file shall begin. After this install the service release by extracting the archive and running the installer. Now the assemblies with the new version replace the old one in the GAC. You will have to switch the assemblies in your Bin folder with the new one which are with the same name but with different build version. The newest service release for this version is 10.3.20103.2217. Please also take a note that this version is no longer service release supported. I would reccomend always to upgrade to a version wich has support of our developers and issues with the new versions of the browsers are resolved via releases. Also please take a note that the clasic Ultra controls are no longer part of our Product in the latest version of NetAdvantage 11.2 - http://community.infragistics.com/blogs/taz_abdeali/archive/2011/11/17/asp-net-product-changes-in-2011-volume-2.aspx
Hello Prathiba,Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this issue.
Hello Prathiba
Please let me know what are the results of your tests when you finish them.
I'm look forward service release 10.3.20103.2217 only to compatibility Internet Explorer 9 and 10 my products deployed and running not stop, please help me
Hello dinhtd,Please log in our website, go to Account -> Keys and Downloads -> NetAdvantage 2010 vol 3 -> Service releases -> ASP .Net one is the latest available service release for 10.3.
Dear Infragistics!
Thanks for your direction, but my product is running stable and long time ago about six year, now it trouble problems with compatibility with some browsers IE 9,10, firefox 6 above, Chrome, so could you tell me link direct download not over my Account -> Keys and Downloads because I'm only user regular on your forum not registed product user.
Hello dinhtd,This is a direct download link to version 10.3 latest SR - http://download.infragistics.com/products/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2010.3/SR/NetAdvantage_ASPNET_20103.2217_SR.zip Please also take a note that IE 10 is not supported by this version. It was released in the end of 2010 and it has 1 year of Service Releases support which resolve issues with latest browsers and versions. IE 10 was released 2012. For more details please take a look in our supported environments page - http://es.infragistics.com/help/supported-environments/ where you can find information which version of which browser is supported by 10.3. Please also take a note that browsers and versions which were releases after 2011 are not supported from this version of NetAdvantage.
Why is it that after i configured my toolbox for 13.1 version, my old web apps using 10.2 causes an error. How do i fix this? i can't make modifications now to the old project.
Thanks you very much, I applied my product and running compatible with IE 9,10 and Firefox 6 above, thank you one again./.