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WebDataTree node expand issue

Hi, I am having issue in the webdata tree node expand issue , some times node is expanding, somes times it is not working , when nodes are added dynamically. I am using the Infragistics 10.3 control set - Is there any issue with this version of control?

aspx Code :

 <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upPanel" runat="server">
                    <ig:webdatatree id="wdtFPBrowser" runat="server" height="95%" initialexpanddepth="0" EnableViewState="true"
                        initialdatabinddepth="0" enableajax="true" enableconnectorlines="True" stylesetname="Default">
                                    <AutoPostBackFlags NodeExpanded="On" />
                                    <AjaxIndicator BlockArea="Page" Location="MiddleCenter" RelativeToControl="False" />


Code behind: On node expand event - adding the child nodes dynamically,

 DataTable dt = getNodes("Sub Node ");
            if (dt != null)
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //Get all of the folders that the user can see at the parent level
                    DataTreeNode dtNode;
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
                        dtNode = new DataTreeNode();
                        dtNode.Text = dr["Text"].ToString();
                        dtNode.Value = dr["Value"].ToString();
                        dtNode.IsEmptyParent = true;                       
            e.Node.Expanded = true;



No Data
  • 49378

    Hi sivakuruba,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    I am so far unable to replicate the described behavior using version 11.2.20112.1019 and the last SR for version 10.3 - 10.3.20103.2217. It may be worth trying to disable AJAX on the data tree or, alternatively remove the update panel in order to see if that makes a difference. In order to research this further I would need a small working sample illustrating the behavior. Any additional information and steps to reproduce the matter would be appreciated.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
