Hi I'm trying to format my font sizes when exporting to Excel and have no luck so far. I've looked at all the porperties undere.CurrentWorksheet.Columns[0].CellFormat.Font but couldn't find anything that sets the font size. Any one with suggestions what to use and if this is possible in Excel engine in the 7.1 release?
The CellFormat.Font.Height property should change the size of the font. This property is in twips (20ths of a point), so if you want the font to have a height of 10 points, set the Height property to 200.
I have same problem. I tried this and worked.
But I have one question. Why not have a simple Size property instead of this wierd Height which is impossible to figure out if wee do not know.
It's possible this could be named in a slightly better way, but at this point, it would be a breaking change to rename the property.