I am using webdropdown .in that I have done paging which show 5000 entries in different pages .
The coding part is as shown below
ig:WebDropDown ID="wdd1" runat="server" CssClass="filterlistarea" CurrentValue=""
EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="False" EnableMultipleSelection="True" StyleSetName="Default"
Width="180px" PageSize="400" EnablePaging="True" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="200px"
EnableDropDownAsChild="False" PagerSettings-PagerMode="Numeric" EnableViewState="true"
EnableAutoFiltering="Server" AutoFilterQueryType="Contains" DataSourceID="NameDataSource"
TextField="Name" ValueField="Name">
<DropDownItemBinding TextField="Name" ValueField="Name" />
<AjaxIndicator Enabled="False" />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="NameDataSource" runat="server" OnSelecting="NameDataSource_Selecting"
SelectMethod="GetName" TypeName="GetMethodSystem">
<asp:Parameter Name="Data1" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Data2" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Data3" />
The problem I am facing is that whenever I type anything in the Text Field it show the following error in the popup
Async request failed [Exception] RowFilter is incorrect. at Infragistics.Web.ULFramework.Data FilterRecord ParseRowFilter (String rowFilter) at Infragistics.Web Ul.Framework.Data FilterRecord ctor (IDataSourceAdapter adapter. String rowFilter. Boolean caseSensefive) at Infragistics.Web Ul.FramelArork.Data DataSourceAdapter CreateFilterRecord 0 at Infragistics.Web Ul.FrameArork.Data DataSourceAdapter Select (DataSourceSelectArguments arguments) at Infragistics.Web Ul.Framework Data DataSourceObjectView.ExecuteSelect (DataSourceSelectArguments arguments) at System Web.ULDataSourceView.Select (DataSourceSelectArguments arguments. DataSourceViewSelectCallback callback) at Infragistics.Web.ULFramework.Data FlatDatalBot PerformDataSelection 0 at Infragistics.Web Ul.FramelArork.Data.FlatDatalBot.DatalBind 0 at Infragistics.Web.ULFrameArork.Data DataBindingManager.DataBind (Object dataSource) at Infragistics.Web.ULListControls.WebDropDown.DataBind 0 at Infragistics.Web Ul ListControls.DropDownlBot RaisePostDataChangedEvent () at Infragistics.Web Ul.Framework.RunlBot HandleRaisePostDataChangedEvent 0 at Infragistics.Web.ULFrameArork.Data FlatDataBoundControl.RaisePostDataChangedEvent () at System.Web.UI.Page RaiseChangedEvents() at System Web.UI Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStaqesBeforeAsyncPoint. Boolean
Please provide me a solution for this
Hi Shantesh,
Your markup seems to be correct. The issue may be caused by your ObjectDataSource. Please check your implementation of this data source and then refer to the attached sample I created using your configuration of WebDropDown and ObjectDataSource.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Nikolay
Thanks for your quick replay . However I am unable to resolve it . I have done some coding part for the objectdatasource as below -
Protected Sub NameDataSource_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) Handles NameDataSource.Selecting
Dim NameIDD As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(htsheet("NameID"))
e.InputParameters("Data1") = Data1
e.InputParameters("Data2") = Data2
e.InputParameters("ta3D") = Data3
End Sub
and I am using LINQ to SQL query to fetch the data from SQLServer . Can please provide me a solution for this issue
Best Regards
Shantesh Kulkarni
I'm glad to hear that. If you have other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
I Solved this problem by putting EnableAutoFiltering="Client" .Now error is not coming and also it showing filterd data
Thanks for your replay .
Hello Shantesh,
In order to be able to provide more insight, I would need a small isolated sample, replicating the issue.