I have a webchart where I want to set the timescale interval for the week.
As depicted in the below picture it can be seen that Fri is repeated.
How can I avoid the repetition and set the scale properly?
Following is the code I am using to set the X Axis
AxisItem xAxis = new AxisItem { Extent = 10, axisNumber = AxisNumber.X_Axis, DataType = AxisDataType.Time, MajorGridLines = { Visible = false }, SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.ContinuousData, Labels = { ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.Custom, Orientation = TextOrientation.Horizontal, Font = new Font("Arial", 8), FontSizeBestFit = true, Layout = { Padding = 3, Behavior = AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors.UseCollection }, ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL:ddd>" }, LineThickness = 1, TickmarkInterval = 1, TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.DataInterval, TickmarkIntervalType = AxisIntervalType.Days };
Thanks in Advance,
Hi Utkarsh,
Thank you for posting in the community.
In this scenario your issue seems to be caused by having multiple entries for the same day which, due to the formatting used causes multiple Friday labels to appear.
I suggest that you use a Scatter chart for this particular implementaion (the ConnectWithLines property would allow you to show your series as a line). The tickmark interval which you have applied then should then provide you with the desired look and feel. You may find some more useful information regarding this scenario at:
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this scenario.
Hello Petar,
I have a line chart in which the last label of the x axis scale is getting cut.
It would be nice if you could provide a solution ASAP for the same.
In this scenario my best guess would be that the Label orientation of your X axis is set to custom, which coupled with the other label settings causes your last value to be cut off. For the sake of testing I would suggest setting UltraChart1.Axis.X.Labels.Orientation to Horizontal. In order to be able to provide more insight I would need more information regarding your charts' markup.
Hi Petar
custom tooltip
i have a chart which has a timeseries date.x axis label is formated asxAxis.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL:MMM>"; y axis label is formated asyAxis.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:#0.#>"; i have implemented IRenderLabel as shown in following example.http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2010.3/CLR4.0/?page=Chart_Customize_Labels_Using_the_IRenderLabel_Interface.htmlbut i am not getting how the hashtable is to be created and added to the labelhash.
in the above example following is the code used for labelhash but i am not getting what MY_VALUE is...i have already assigned Itemformatstring to x and y axis which i cant changethanksutkarsh