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Cannot Set Time Scale Interval


I have a webchart where I want to set the timescale interval for the week.

As depicted in the below picture it can be seen that Fri is repeated.

How can I avoid the repetition and set the scale properly?



Following is the code I am using to set the X Axis

            AxisItem xAxis = new AxisItem
                                     Extent = 10,
                                     axisNumber = AxisNumber.X_Axis,
                                     DataType = AxisDataType.Time,
                                     MajorGridLines =
                                             Visible = false
                                     SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.ContinuousData,
                                     Labels =
                                             ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.Custom,
                                             Orientation = TextOrientation.Horizontal,
                                             Font = new Font("Arial", 8),
                                             FontSizeBestFit = true,
                                             Layout =
                                                     Padding = 3,
                                                     Behavior = AxisLabelLayoutBehaviors.UseCollection
                                            ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL:ddd>"
                                     LineThickness = 1,
                                     TickmarkInterval = 1,
                                     TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.DataInterval,
                                     TickmarkIntervalType = AxisIntervalType.Days


Thanks in Advance,


Parents Reply Children
  • 375
    posted in reply to [Infragistics] Petar Ivanov

    Hi Petar


    custom tooltip

    i have a chart which has a timeseries date.

    x axis label is formated as

    xAxis.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL:MMM>";


    y axis label is formated as

    yAxis.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:#0.#>";


    i have implemented IRenderLabel as shown in following example.

    but i am not getting how the hashtable is to be created and added to the labelhash.

    in the above example following is the code used for labelhash but i am not getting what MY_VALUE is...i have already assigned Itemformatstring to x and y axis which i cant change

