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Grid Editor Provider not saving Data Source ID

Hi all,

I'm using version 11.2.20112.1019 and am trying to use a DropDown as a Grid Editor Provider. Whenever I try and set the Data Source ID on the Edit Provider it just blanks the entire field. 

I even resorted to following this example:

but where in the video the Data Source ID is bolded mine is just erased. 

Is this a known issue in version 11.2? Does anyone else experience the same and has a work around? 


  • 8160

    Hello aztherion,

    Can you try to set the DataSourceID in the markup.



                <ig:DropDownProvider ID="CustomerNameProvider">

                    <EditorControl ID="EditorControl1" runat="server" DisplayMode="DropDownList" DataSourceID="Customers"

                        TextField="ContactName" ValueField="CustomerID" />


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