If we paste date time values with AM/PM from outside of our application into a WebdateTimeEditor the the value is always converted to AM.
For example, if we paste: 1/20/2012 3:40:00 PM into a WebDatetimeEditor we always get 1/20/2012 3:40:00 AM. We can type the PM in fine, but we would like to be able to paste it in as well. Can that be done? Is there a setting we need to use to make this happen?
Hello William,
I have tested the reported from you behavior with the editor with 11.2.20112.2025 which is latest build of our latest version of NA. I have attached the sample I used for testing in *.zip. I could not reproduce the behavior you are facing with IE 9. If you are using some other version of NA or other browser please let me know. I used for test data the one you have posted in your forum post but it was pasting as PM and after losing focus it remains PM.
You are correct - it works properly in IE 9. I was using IE 8. That answer is good enough for my purposes.
Hello William,Please let me check if I understand you correctly. May I consider this issue as resolved?
Yes - I consider this issue resolved.