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user selection of rows


I have the following situation:

1. Lets say a test.aspx page with a button titled "Select"

2. ANother page Selectuser.aspx that has a webdatagrid and OK and Cancel button.

3. I want when the user clicks on the select button on the test.aspx page, Selectuser.aspx is displayed in a dialog window and then once the user selects a row and hits OK or hits cancel, test.aspx client javascript to handle this event -- do nothing in case no row is selected and cause a postback with the selected row data in case user has selected the row.

Best ways to achieve above ?




  • 13438

    Hello Abhishek,

    My suggestion is to look into this forum thread  how to set ContentURL of the dialog window. To set your page as a content url. When a button OK/Cancel  is pressed to keep all the necessary information about the selected on the grid   user  into a session variable like session["userDetails"] = "userID= 2011" and to make a check if there is any selected row (in that case clear the varriable).

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