I try to get the WebSplitter exactly as big as the browser window. To do so, i wrote a javascript which gets the dimension of the browser window an sets those values to a panel or directly to the WebSplitter. This client side resizing works well on resizing, but not on init.
In Internet Explorer 8.0 the WebSplitter contents are get resized well, when it is in a asp:Panel. But in Firefox 8.0, Safari 5.12 and Chrome 15 the contents of the WebSplitter are not shown, till the user resizes the browser window.
I've tested all browser with the same situation, except a asp:Label instead of the WebSplitter, then it worked fine.
I've attached a sample project. The WebForm 'WebSplitterPanel.aspx' works fine in IE but not in the other Browsers. The WebForm 'Label.aspx' uses exact the same javascript and works fine in all browsers. (To get the project attached, i had to delete the content of the folder "ig_res\images\", maybe you have to add those images to test it correctly, but it used the default layout.)
Also i tested some other Infragistics control with this scenario, and its only the WebSplitter that dont work fine?!
When this get fixed? Do i have to wait for a SR??
Hello Andreas, I have reseived your sample. I will test this behavior and see what could be causing it and what could be the resolution. I will update you with information when i finish my research
I investigated the code you send me. I found it unnecessary to use so much javascript. You can set splitter height only by setting css classes for form, html and body with 100%. Please take a look at attached from me modified WebSplitterPanel.aspx page and let me know if this modification matches with what you are trying to do. Please also take a look at the following forum thread which contains similar question: http://blogs.infragistics.com/forums/p/9319/36329.aspx