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Invalid JSON Primitive error

I have a webdatagrid that lists employees in our company.  I click on a row and display data retrieved from our database such as name, employee number, etc. in controls that are on a webtab inside an updatepanel.  Everything works fine with the first 2 records selected from the grid.  But always on the 3rd selection I get an "Invalid JSON primitive" error.  If I take away the updatepanel, everything works fine.  I want to use the updatepanel so the page doesn't repaint everytime I select a new record from the grid.

I use a sqldatasource to populate the grid and a linq query to retrieve data based on the selection.

I have tried with the grid inside and outside the updatepanel.  The WebTab control is inside the updatepanel.

I am using VS2010 and v11.1 of the Infragistics controls.

Any ideas why this might br happening?

No Data
  • 29417
    Offline posted

    Hello itdepartmentsts ,


    I tried to reproduce this behavior based on your explanation but was unable to. Would it be possible to send the sample in which you encounter this issue or some code snippets so that I can better understand your scenario?


    Best Regards,

    Maya Kirova

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.

