On my page I have a WebTab with several tabs which are holding aspx forms by selecting ContentUrl.
Every time the mainpage gets an postback, all pages on the tabs are reloaded with IsPostback = false.
How do I have to configure my WebTab control that each tab holds its viewstate during Postbacks of the mainpage?
I didn't find a good description to the different PostBackOptions I can set for WebTab in the online documentation.
best regardsAndreas
I am interested in this as well. I am having a similar problem currently with WebTabs not handling a PostBack event when changing from tab to tab, when each tabs content is hosted within a usercontrol with its own Page_Load events.
If I understand you correct, I think your problem is different from mine.For my problem I didn't find a soloution and changed my architecture from contentURL to Usercontrols, that are holding the content of every page now.
With this architecture I have some disadvantages, but now every tab is able to hold its viewstate during a mainpage postback.
If you don't have set loadonDemand for the tabs or set postback for Tabchange on true, there should be no postback on the server during a clientside tabchange.