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Jumping page when scrolling to bottom

Good day,

I have i problem with jumping pages when scrolling to the bottom of the page. The HTML-code that is generated by a certain infragistics component is:

<div style="position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: -10000px; display: block; border: medium solid;"></div>

It can be the case that more than one (even four) of these lines are generated at the bottom of my HTML code. This piece(s) of code make the page jump to the top whenever someone scrolls to the bottom of the page.

Do you have any ideas? We are running the latest version of Infragistics.



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  • 33839

    Hi Rene,

    Could you maybe attach a sample replicating this problem?  Or at the least the definition of the grid and what browser you are experiencing this in?  This code doesn't help much.  And when you say you are running the latest, I would assume that to mean version 10.3 and the latest Service Release (so your build number is NOT 1013, but something in the 2000's.).

    David Young 
