I have a WHDG that contains a column of imagebuttons of which I add the ItemCommand to a ItemCommandEventHandler. This works fine and the users can use the button with no problem. But when the user presses the back button of the browser and it returned to the page with the WHDG it seems as if the handle is lost and nothing happens when the user presses the imagebuttons.
How can I prevent this from happening or how can I add the handler to the event again?
Hi dvanmil,
Could you attach a sample here for us to look at? It may be possible for us to do something, but it may also be the case that this is unsupported. We'll have to take a look to figure it out. Thanks!
David Young
We managed to solce this issue ourselves. Like another topic I posted (about bands being shown in collapsed state), this error was related to us clearing the rows of the WHDG and setting a new datasource. By not clearing the rows anymore and just refreshing the datasource all the problems were solved.
To us the two different problems did not seem to be related, hence making two different topics, but in the end not clearing the rows solved them both.
Thanks for the reply though :)