Hello,in my WebDataGrid I want to let the user add new records. The first column is the key column and the values entered into this field have to be unique. So I wanted to use the CellEditing_ExitedEditMode event.
Here I want to validate the entered value and if the entered value is already in that grid I tried to use "eventArgs.set_cancel(true)". I know this property is available in eventArgs of the CellEditing_EnteringEditMode event and also the method to set that value.
see screenshot2
Unfortunately a similar property and the method are not available in the CellEditing_ExitedEditMode as you can see in screenshot 2
Why is that property and method not available? Has this a special reason? If I can prohibit editing a cell I think it should also be possible to cancel editing. How can I do that now?
Hi martinn,
It turns out you're correct that this behavior does exist, but you are just using the wrong event. We have four events four editing: entering, entered, exiting, and exited. The -ed events happen after the cell has already entered or exited edit mode. It really is just a notification. In order to cancel the event, you need to handle the -ing events. The method on the event args will be available in the exitingEditMode event. Let us know if you need any other help.
regards,David Young
OK, may be that I use the wrong event. Now I'm trying to use the ..-exiting event. But here is the problem that I can not get the value of the cell. May be that I'm wrong again. Please let me know how I do that correctly.
I expected that a similar code can also be used in the -exiting function. But I get no value from the cell. Also using "get_text" does not give a result. How can I figure out what the user has typed in at this time?