Is there a way to create an excel doc from a stream, say the posted file of an html file input control?
There is a static Load method on the Workbook object which takes a Stream.
Thanks for your help. Seems like that would be exactly what I need. I must be using the wrong version though because I don't see a static Load method off the Workbook object. I only see a couple constants: MaxExcelCellFormatCount, MaxExcelColorCount, MaxExcelColumnCount, MaxExcelRowCount and Equals and ReferenceEquals.
I'm referencing Infragistics2.Excel.v7.1 (2007 Volume 1 -- CLR 2.0)
What version and assembly do I need to do this?
You have the right assembly, but the static Load method was only added in version 7.2. In fact, the excel assembly only supported writing out excel files until version 7.2.
I guess you can say there is always a level of risk with upgrading as the code has been changed. In the case of the Excel assembly, that is especially true because there were a large number of changes made from the 7.1 version to the 7.2 version to support loading workbooks as well as many new features such as formatted text in cells, images in worksheets, adding formulas to cells, ... In addition, much of the old code was refactored for performance and maintainability reasons.
If you already have an application and you would like to make sure it will not break, I recommend making a copy of it on a development machine. Then download 7.2 and install it on that machine (if you do not have a subscription anymore, you can download a trial of the latest version of our controls). Then make sure your application still works with the new version.
Excellent, thanks. What are the implications of upgrading? What level of risk?