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Slide to the Left, Slide to the right !

Hello I do the following:

1.       I have a WebDialogWindow.

2.       In the WebDialogWindow resides a WebDataGrid.

3.       I load a dataset into a WebDatagrid and remove the hidden status.

The WebDatagrid has more columns then the width of the WebDialogWindow. I use the scrollbar to slide to the rightmost column and I do a sort. This works fine, however if I try to set a summary the scrollbar bounces back which makes it  impossible to select a summary value. It looks like the drawing of the menu item stretches the width which the scrollbar to reposition.

It works fine when I put compatibility mode off but the problem is if I do that the infragistics WebSplitter on my page will not work anymore and no one has a solution for this.

  • 33839

    Hi Blikman,

    Could you possibly attach a sample that reproduces this issue?  It does sound like a bug.  If you attach a sample here, I can open a bug and take a look.  Another option is to contact Developer Support and work with them to create a sample and submit a bug.

    David Young 

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