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Hi i found a bug in the websplitter.

I use the websplitter in a vertical layout with 3 content panes.

The height of the splitter and each pane is 600 pixels. I got web panels in the left and right panes and load an external site into the center panel now and then. in compatability mode i can see the colapse button images but without compatibillity mode i cannot. I found out for some reason they are hidden at the bottom also my internet explorer shows a vertical scrollbar.

For some obscure reason the heigt of the contentplanes = 1200 pixels but it shows 600 pixels. there is nothing in the content planes except the webpanels. the center panal is empty.

If i go to the code behind of the aspx and i use

WebSplitter2.Panes[0].ContentUrl = "Placeholder.aspx";

it tries to load a webpage and it doenst mather if it fails or succeeds in loaden a webpage for some obscure reason my content panals are 600 pixels en the colopse button is in the center.

That said. It makes this control useless to me becouse i do not want to load in any websites in the side panels or is there some kind of magic trick to prevent the websplitter from making himself 2x the size it is told to make himself?

PS: I do not want any custom javascript or in-line html / css editing workarounds the main reason i buy and use components is becouse i do not want any hand coded scripting server side programming only. 

  • 19693
    Suggested Answer

    Hello Blikman ,

    I tried to reproduce the issue with a code snippet like this:

    <ig:WebSplitter ID="WebSplitter1" runat="server" Height="600px" Width="100%" DynamicResize="True" ResizeWithBrowser="true"  Orientation="Vertical" >


                    <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" Size="20%" CollapsedDirection="NextPane"  >

                        <Template >




                     <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" Size="20%" ContentUrl="">




                    <ig:SplitterPane runat="server" Size="60%" EnableRelativeLayout="true" CollapsedDirection="PreviousPane">







     But I was not able to reproduce it with IE8 and the last service release of 10.3 version.

    Can you please provide us with a small isolated application reproducing the behavior?

    Hope hearing from you.

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