I have a few dropdowns located near the end of a web page. One of them is a WebDatePicker, others are normal WebCombos.
Since they are near the end, when I click the WebCombo dropdown, the item list will appear above the edit box automatically. But the calendar of WebDatePicker always display under the edit box.
How can I make the calendar display above the edit box? If it is not possible, I want to know if I can hide this calendar, so user won't get distracted.
Hi Adam,
Thank you for report.The calculation-logic of location drop-down calendar was changed few times and it is possible that it was broken in some versions for specific layouts of pages. Few weeks ago that logic was improved again and verified correct behavior for various conditions: different browsers, combinations of absolute/relative/static positions of parents, scrolls of parent containers, etc.Coming service releases should contain WebDatePicker with fixed behavior.
Has this been fixed? I still having a simular problem. I am using 10.3.20103.2120.
Example of a WebDatePicker in a WebDialog:
Basically, the WebDatePicker and Calendar are in a div float left like:
<div style="float:left">...</div><div style="clear:both"></div>