i am replacing Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v3 with infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.
everything work fine,but extra column is coming without data.
Please help me.
Do you have a screenshot showing the extra column? How are you columns defined? Are they defined in the Markup or are you creating them in code? What is DisplayLayout.AutoGenerateColumns set to?
Is it possible for you to post your markup or code that creates the grid?
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
Above onee fixed
I got another problem,In IE 6 it is working fine,In IE8 Messed up,I am sending scrennshot of IE8 as attchment.
Please help me out.
Hi Alan,
I am sending my Markup and code file as attchement.
I am sending my IE6 and IE8 screenshots.
I want output like IE6 scrennshot.
Thank you for providing the mark up and code for your grid. I have been able to reproduce the behavior shown in the screen shot on my end.
One of the issues is that the children are being pushed to the right. This is happening in IE8 because the HeaderStyleDefault.Width is being set to 100% in the markup. Removing this should correct that behavior for you.
When looking at the markup, I see that the Width of the UltraWebGrid is being set to a pixel based width while the FrameStyle Width is set to 100%. These two settings should be the same so you should update the one that is incorrect. Note if you use the designer to set the Width of the grid, both of these values are set at one time.
There is another issue that can be seen in the screen shot where the column headers don't line up with the data when a child is expanded. This is happening only when the parent has hidden columns. I am still looking into this and will update you again when i have done more debugging.
I have found that the row selectors are a factor in the behavior with the columns becomming misalligned. The row selectors are not the only factor and I still looking into the other factors.
Thank you Alan,for great help,let me update if found solution
The two factors that cause the columns to be misaligned after expanding a row is RowSelectorsDefault and the Width of the RowSelectorStyleDefault. I noticed that you are setting the Width of the RowSelectorStyleDefault to 1px. Would setting RowSelectorsDefault to No resolve this issue for you?
The issue with the misalignment after expanding a row when setting the RowSelectorStyleDefault.Width to 1px has been resolved in the latest service release and may be downloaded from the My Keys and Downloads page.