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Sorting problem ajax error Deserialization failure: Invalid response

When sorting a data grid, if the user's session has expired, it gives a error  message alert, "Deserialization failure: Invalid response.", if that page is not valid anymore(viewstate lost), the same error message pops up.

Then nothing happens.


I'd like to request that page where user stays again when there is an exception, but I can't change your java script code.

Can you figure out a way that enables me to handle this exception?

Infragistics Source Code Infragistics.Web.UI.Scripts.8_igCallback.js in Infragistics4.Web.v10.2.dll

if (response != null && response.length > 0)
                var obj;
                var failed = false;
                    obj = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize(response)
                catch (e)
                    failed = true;
                    me._manager._requestFailed(me, me._callbackObject, false, "Deserialization failure: Invalid response.");

// my codes here


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