How do you change the font size of the text in the Excel spreadsheet that is created by the WebExcelExporter?
There are couple of ways to do that:
1) change the font in the actual WDG / WHDG style - this will reflect the Excel sheet, provided that you have EnableStylesExport = true (Default)
2) Handle the RowExporting or CellExporting server-side events, and set the font directly on the row / cell that are passed as arguments.
Hope it helps,
Thanks. I'm using a WebDataGrid.
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="wdg_Report" Visible="true" Height="200px" Width="800px" ItemCssClass="NewItemClass" HeaderCaptionCssClass="HeaderCaptionClass" AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat="server">
ig:WebExcelExporter runat="server" ID="wee_WebExcelExporter" ExportMode="Download" DownloadName="View_Accounts" EnableStylesExport="true" />
The ItemCssClass and HeaderCaptionCssClass styles are not being carried over to the Exported Spreadsheet. Do you know why this might be?