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Issue with grid scrolling back to its start point on post back

I upgraded to WHDG 10.3 and am noticing some interesting things with it.  My main concern right now is when I click to activate a cell it automatically moves back to its orignal point (scrolled all the way to the top and all the way to the left).  I have tried to turn AJAX on, wrapped it in an update panel, stick it in a tab (hide the tab headers) and turn ajax on all without success.  Also, and this may be cause by the same issue. but I had to wrap it in the webtab and leave it there because with out it as you scroll to the right it will try to scroll back to the left, making it impossible to scroll.  Wrapping it in the tab is a work around for that but I am still having the problem when I click on the cell.  Any help is greatly appreciated.