It's very frustrating to develop with your documents namespace from your product 10.2.
1. Now with this Version i must design the pdf document myself again, normally i await that the Excel namespace can export into the pdf namespace like the save function at Excel 2007.
2. the major function at the generation of pdf at the company is the revision aspect and this is since version 8.2 not suported.
that's the problem and in my opinion i need a other .NET Controls company which can easily
support the generation from excel-file to pdf-file with Security.
Hello Marco,
Thank you for submitting your inquiry to the Infragistics ASP Forums. This is limitation of the Document Engine. The following link to the Known Limitations section found at Infragistics Online Help contains information regarding this limitation for the Document Engine:<>What I can do for you, is set up a support request for this post and submit a Feature Request to our Development Team on your behalf to request this funcitonality to be provided in a future release. You will receive an email in the new support request, which may be found when you log into your account at Infragistics.Com under My IG, My Support Activity.Please let me know if you have any questions.Thank you.Sincerely,Mike D.Developer Support
Has encription been scheduled and if so when could we expect it. Told current customer that the product would do it since I saw it in the properties. Now, after implementing the printing-=false and getting an error "NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS VERSION" i am not able to offer it to the customer on a current project. Running version10.3
Need it for an upcoming project. Would not like to have to get another component. Why is it a property but not supported?