I have a dashboard i am working on and want to show a linear gauge on the screen. The data is set as Goal and Actual. I want to show the actual as a filled in area on the gauge, the Goal as an "arrow" with the max range on the gauge of the goal + 30. I've added the code below. The problem is, nothing is showing. The gauge shows 0-100 and no values on the image. What did i do wrong?
LinearGauge gauge = this.ugPace.Gauges[0] as LinearGauge;
LinearGaugeRange range = gauge.Scales[0].Ranges[0];
LinearGaugeMarker current = gauge.Scales[1].Markers[0];
LinearGaugeMarker goal = gauge.Scales[2].Markers[0];
DataTable paceData = PaceData.GetPace();
double goalnum = Convert.ToDouble(paceData.Rows[0][0].ToString());
double currentval = Convert.ToDouble(paceData.Rows[0][1].ToString());
range.EndValue = goalnum + 30;
current.Value = currentval;
goal.Value = goalnum;
The HTML code (LONG) is here as well...
<iggauge:UltraGauge ID="ugPace" runat="server" BackColor="Transparent" Height="125px" Width="450px" onasyncrefresh="ugPace_AsyncRefresh"> <Gauges> <iggauge:LinearGauge CornerExtent="10" MarginString="2, 10, 2, 10, Pixels"> <Scales> <iggauge:LinearGaugeScale EndExtent="98" InnerExtent="50" OuterExtent="95" StartExtent="2"> <Ranges> <iggauge:LinearGaugeRange EndValueString="100" OuterExtent="80" StartValueString="0"> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SolidFillBrushElement Color="White" /> </BrushElements> </iggauge:LinearGaugeRange> </Ranges> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SimpleGradientBrushElement EndColor="10, 255, 255, 255" StartColor="80, 255, 255, 255" /> </BrushElements> </iggauge:LinearGaugeScale> <iggauge:LinearGaugeScale EndExtent="90" StartExtent="10"> <MajorTickmarks EndExtent="35" StartExtent="22"> <StrokeElement Color="135, 135, 135"> </StrokeElement> </MajorTickmarks> <Markers> <iggauge:LinearGaugeBarMarker InnerExtent="25" OuterExtent="35" SegmentSpan="99" ValueString="60"> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SolidFillBrushElement Color="232, 0, 0" /> </BrushElements> </iggauge:LinearGaugeBarMarker> </Markers> <Ranges> <iggauge:LinearGaugeRange EndValueString="100" InnerExtent="25" OuterExtent="35" StartValueString="0"> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SolidFillBrushElement Color="DimGray" /> </BrushElements> </iggauge:LinearGaugeRange> </Ranges> <StrokeElement Color="Transparent"> </StrokeElement> <Axes> <iggauge:NumericAxis EndValue="100" TickmarkInterval="10" /> </Axes> </iggauge:LinearGaugeScale> <iggauge:LinearGaugeScale EndExtent="90" StartExtent="10"> <MajorTickmarks EndExtent="40" EndWidth="2" StartExtent="20" StartWidth="2"> <StrokeElement Color="DimGray"> </StrokeElement> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SolidFillBrushElement Color="White" /> </BrushElements> </MajorTickmarks> <MinorTickmarks EndExtent="75" Frequency="0.2" StartExtent="65"> <StrokeElement Color="Transparent"> </StrokeElement> </MinorTickmarks> <Labels Extent="70" Font="Trebuchet MS, 10pt, style=Bold" ZPosition="AboveMarkers"> <Shadow Depth="2"> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SolidFillBrushElement /> </BrushElements> </Shadow> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SolidFillBrushElement Color="White" RelativeBounds="0, 0, 80, 0" RelativeBoundsMeasure="Percent" /> </BrushElements> </Labels> <Markers> <iggauge:LinearGaugeNeedle EndExtent="57" EndWidth="10" MidExtent="57" MidWidth="20" StartExtent="40" StartWidth="0" ValueString="75"> <StrokeElement Color="186, 0, 0" Thickness="2"> </StrokeElement> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SolidFillBrushElement Color="255, 22, 22" /> </BrushElements> </iggauge:LinearGaugeNeedle> </Markers> <Axes> <iggauge:NumericAxis EndValue="100" TickmarkInterval="20" /> </Axes> </iggauge:LinearGaugeScale> </Scales> <BrushElements> <iggauge:SimpleGradientBrushElement EndColor="150, 150, 150" GradientStyle="BackwardDiagonal" StartColor="Black" /> </BrushElements> </iggauge:LinearGauge> </Gauges> </iggauge:UltraGauge>
i tried your code out, substituting 50 for goalnum and 40 for currentval (since i don't have your PaceData class), and it produced this gauge (attached image).
what exactly do you mean when you say "nothing is showing?" is there an image generated for the gauge? is it blank? is there any color to it?
To be honest, I forget what was happening with the gauge as it was about a month ago. I ended up putting the gauge in a class that generates the gauge programmatically. I also spit out an HTML table to show other values. If i remember correctly, the gauge rendered, but there was no "fill" in the gauge and the arrow wasn't showing.