Hello! I have a problem with displaying new items added to the WebExplorerBar control. After adding new item it looks like a hyperlink. But after next PostBack this item becomes normal.
ASPX code:
<ig:WebExplorerBar ID="WebExplorerBar1" runat="server" GroupContentsHeight="" Width="250px"><ExpandButton AltText="Expand button"></ExpandButton><CollapseButton AltText="Collapse button"></CollapseButton> <Groups> <ig:ExplorerBarGroup GroupContentsHeight="" Text="Group"> <Items> <ig:ExplorerBarItem Text="Item"> </ig:ExplorerBarItem> </Items> </ig:ExplorerBarGroup> </Groups> </ig:WebExplorerBar> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="Button" />
CS code:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExplorerBarGroup group = WebExplorerBar1.Groups[0]; ExplorerBarItem item = new ExplorerBarItem(); item.Text = "some new item"; group.Items.Add(item); }
What i'm doing wrong?
Thank You!
The code looks fine, the reason this could render as a link is if that your styles are not applied correctly. Check the path to the CSS files.
If CSS is OK, please contact developer support, so that they can help you.
I'm facing the same problem while I'm not using any css for it .There are some settings define in the control like ItemIndentation nothing else.but when i call Items.Add method it adds the item as hyperlink while after refresh it shows it as normal text. I checked the Items properties and there are no difference in anyof the property in the newly added item and the old Item.Thanks in the advance.
Any News when the hotfix will be released? (my subscription just expired)
I think this is bug 60713 that we fixed recently. You can contact developer support to get more information when the hotfix will be released.