I have a WebDropDown (WDD), where I have added an item. I wish to append the bound data to the item. This is an easy thing with the Microsoft dropdownlist. Is it possible with your control?
<ig:WebDropDown ID="DDL_Markets" runat="server" Width="256px" Style="float: left;
margin-left: 83px;" DataKeyFields="Market_ID" DataSourceID="ODS_Markets" TextField="Description"
ToolTip="Select a Market " ValueField="Market_ID" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectionChanged="DDL_Markets_SelectionChanged"
DropDownAnimationDuration="250" DropDownContainerHeight="400px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="400px"
<Button AltText=""></Button>
<ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="Select..." Value="-1">
<DropDownItemBinding TextField="Description" ValueField="Market_ID" />
It wasn't added yet, but it seems that in the current versions, the above workaround works properly.
I'm assuming this hasn't been added yet.
It would be very handy. I use this functionality a lot with standard ASP DropDownLists.
My current workaround is to UNION what I would add as items to my datasource select command.
Found a bug: if you add this item, when the page loads you can't change the selection to item above it unless you pick up another item and then the item above the original item.
I opened a support case number CAS-45059-9H7FRG
OK. I performed a work-around in the meantime...
protected void WebDropDown1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e) {WebDropDown1.Items.Insert(0, new Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownItem("Select... ", "-1" ));
Thanks for your response!
Hi Frank,
We don't support AppendDataBoundItems at the moment (meaning not to clear the items during DataBound, if this property is True) - but we will add this in the upcoming service release and volume release.
Thank you,