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Is it possible to append bound data to WebDropDown?

I have a WebDropDown (WDD), where I have added an item. I wish to append the bound data to the item. This is an easy thing with the Microsoft dropdownlist. Is it possible with your control?


                    <ig:WebDropDown ID="DDL_Markets" runat="server" Width="256px" Style="float: left;

                        margin-left: 83px;" DataKeyFields="Market_ID" DataSourceID="ODS_Markets" TextField="Description"

                        ToolTip="Select a Market " ValueField="Market_ID" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectionChanged="DDL_Markets_SelectionChanged"

                        DropDownAnimationDuration="250" DropDownContainerHeight="400px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="400px"


                        <Button AltText=""></Button>


                            <ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="Select..." Value="-1">



                        <DropDownItemBinding TextField="Description" ValueField="Market_ID" />
