I'm getting an "Out of memory" error occasionally for the UltraWebTab control. Two tabs, one tab has an UltraWebGrid populated, the other tab has a couple of textboxes for data entry. I generally flip back and forth between the tabs for awhile doing some task and then the error pops up and clears out everything within the tab that has focus.
The error I am getting is a javascript "Out of memory" error that, when debugged, takes you to Infragistics javascript function:
function igtbl_tabChanges(tab,index)
We are using 2008 Volumn 1 (CLR 2.0) version of Infragistics controls. Any information would be appreciated.
If it is possible to create a simple test page (aspx/cs) files, which can be used to reproduce that behavior, then please submit a report at http://es.infragistics.com/support/ask-for-help.aspx or attach zipped file within the Options tab.
Was this issue resolved? If so, could the solution be shared?
(We are also experiencing memory issues using the UltraWebTab. "Closing" an item appears to just hide the item instead of closing it and clearing it from memory.)