Using 2009.1 controls.
I've added a WebDropdown to my edititemtemplate in a formview. I've enabled multiselect and bound it to a datasource.
<ig:WebDropDown ID="WebDropDown1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource_SystemTypes" TextField="Item_Text" ValueField="Item_Value" DropDownAnimationType="Linear" DropDownContainerHeight="0px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="0px" DropDownContainerWidth="0px" EnableDropDownAsChild="True" EnableMultipleSelection="True" MultipleSelectionType="Checkbox" PageSize="0" Width="100%"> </ig:WebDropDown>
The webDropdown is visible (aside from the dropdown arrow graphic whereever that is supposed to exist) and it is populated properly.
I can check multiple items. Looks good.
When I handle my formview_updating event to grab the selections so I can stuff them in a table, I have only the items I initially selected when the formview was databound. No items that I have checked on the form are marked as selected in the webdropdown.items or selecteditems collections.
How depressing.
Is there some way to reliably access the selected items?
I've tried to replicate the described behavior but without success. I would suggest you to upgrade to latest service release available for your version. After the upgrade if you still experience the issue please create a support request and provide detailed information about the issue. Would be best if you provide a sample which reproduce the problem and we will take care further to fix it.
Thank you for your cooperation.
OK. I will upgrade the site this weekend and see what happens.
After fighting with the project upgrade add-in which doesn't work and doesn't create a log, I used the Project Upgrade Utility (stand-alone) and have upgraded the project to 2009.2, and my 2009.2 apparently has the 20092_SR_2025 patch installed.
Same problem.
I'll post code shortly.