Did anyone notice that when having a hidden column in a webdatagrid that it will throw off the selection of a cell by that hidden cell(s). So if you have one hidden cell at the beginning of the grid anytime you try to select a cell it will automatically select the cell in front of it.
Is there something that I am doing wrong with the hidden field(s)?
What browser and build are you using? There is an internal bug reported similar to this for IE 7. For other browser, I believe this behavior should work properly. If you contact Developer Support, the bug number is 25350. If you are not using IE 7, I'd be glad to take a look at a sample page.
regards,David Young
I am actually using IE8. Is this a problem in that as well?
Did anyone fix this bug? I have the same problem on IE7. The problem does not occur nor on Google Chrome neither on Mozilla FireFox 3.6.2. As one would expect, developers and their customers run their apps on IE and really need to have this fixed since not being able to select a cell simply disqualifies WebDataGrid from any real usage... I am using version 9.2.20092.2056.